Sec. 46.40.020. - Objectives.
The Alaska coastal management program shall be consistent with the following objectives:
(1) the use, management, restoration, and enhancement of the overall quality of the coastal environment;
(2) the development of industrial or commercial enterprises that are consistent with the social, cultural, historic, economic, and environmental interests of the people of the state;
(3) the orderly, balanced utilization and protection of the resources of the coastal area consistent with sound conservation and sustained yield principles;
(4) the management of coastal land and water uses in such a manner that, generally, those uses which are economically or physically dependent on a coastal location are given higher priority when compared to uses which do not economically or physically require a coastal location;
(5) the protection and management of significant historic, cultural, natural, and aesthetic values and natural systems or processes within the coastal area;
(6) the prevention of damage to or degradation of land and water reserved for their natural values as a result of inconsistent land or water usages adjacent to that land;
(7) the recognition of the need for a continuing supply of energy to meet the requirements of the state and the contribution of a share of the state's resources to meet national energy needs; and
(8) the full and fair evaluation of all demands on the land and water in the coastal area.