Sec. 45.75.290. - Coal, coke, and charcoal.

(a) Coal, coke, and charcoal shall be sold by weight. Unless the fuel is delivered to the purchaser in package form, each delivery of coal, coke, or charcoal to an individual purchaser shall be accompanied by duplicate delivery tickets on which, in ink or other indelible substance, there are clearly stated

(1) the name and address of the vendor;

(2) the name and address of the purchaser; and

(3) the net weight of the delivery and the gross and tare weights from which the net weight is computed, each expressed in pounds.

(b) One of the tickets provided for under (a) of this section shall be retained by the vendor and the other shall be delivered to the purchaser at the time of delivery of the fuel, or shall be surrendered, on demand, to the director, or the deputy director or an inspector, or a sealer or deputy sealer, who, if retaining it as evidence, shall issue a weight slip in place of it for delivery to the purchaser. If the purchaser carries away the purchase, the vendor is required only to give to the purchaser at the time of sale a delivery ticket stating the number of pounds of fuel delivered to the purchaser.