Sec. 44.62.330. - Application of AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.630.
(a) The procedure of the state boards, commissions, and officers listed in this subsection or of their successors by reorganization under the constitution shall be conducted under AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.630. This procedure, including, but not limited to, accusations and statements of issues, service, notice and time and place of hearing, subpoenas, depositions, matters concerning evidence and decisions, conduct of hearing, judicial review and scope of judicial review, continuances, reconsideration, reinstatement or reduction of penalty, contempt, mail vote, oaths, impartiality, and similar matters shall be governed by this chapter, notwithstanding similar provisions in the statutes dealing with the state boards, commissions, and officers listed. Where indicated, the procedure that shall be conducted under AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.630 is limited to named functions of the agency.
(1) Board of Chiropractic Examiners;
(2) Board of Dental Examiners;
(3) State Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors;
(4) Board of Examiners in Optometry;
(5) State Medical Board;
(6) Division of Lands under Alaska Land Act where applicable;
(7) Board of Nursing functions, except those related to findings of abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of property contained in the registry of certified nurse aides under AS 08.68.333 ;
(8) Board of Pharmacy;
(9) Board of Public Accountancy;
(10) Department of Labor and Workforce Development as to functions relating to employment security only as provided in (c) of this section;
(11) Real Estate Commission;
(12) Alaska Workers' Compensation Board, where procedures are not otherwise expressly provided by the Alaska Workers' Compensation Act;
(13) Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, as to functions relating to aeronautics and communications;
(14) Department of Public Safety, as to suspension or revocation of a security guard's license under AS 18.65.400 - 18.65.490;
(15) [Repealed, Sec. 47 ch 57 SLA 2005].
(16) Department of Health and Social Services and Department of Environmental Conservation under AS 17.20 (Alaska Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act), and Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development in connection with the licensing of embalmers and funeral directors under AS 08.42;
(17) [Repealed, Sec. 47 ch 57 SLA 2005].
(18) Department of Environmental Conservation, under AS 18.35.010 - 18.35.090, concerning the regulation of tourist and trailer camps, motor courts, and motels;
(19) Board of Marine Pilots;
(20) Alaska Police Standards Council;
(21) Big Game Commercial Services Board;
(22) [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 19 SLA 2008].
(23) Alaska Public Offices Commission;
(24) Board of Fisheries;
(25) Board of Game;
(26) the Department of Education and Early Development and the Professional Teaching Practices Commission with regard to proceedings to revoke or suspend a teacher's certificate under AS 14.20.030 - 14.20.040 and AS 14.20.470 (a)(4);
(27) Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education under AS 14.48 as to denial of applications and revocation of authorizations and permits;
(28) Department of Environmental Conservation, except to the extent that AS 44.62.360 - 44.62.400 are inconsistent with the manner in which proceedings are initiated under the provisions of AS 46.03 and AS 46.14;
(29) Board of Psychologist and Psychological Associate Examiners;
(30) the Department of Fish and Game as to functions relating to the protection of fish and game under AS 16.05.871 ;
(31) Board of Veterinary Examiners;
(32) Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development concerning the licensing and regulation of nursing home administrators;
(33) Board of Barbers and Hairdressers;
(34) Department of Natural Resources concerning the Alaska grain reserve program under former AS 03.12;
(35) Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development concerning the licensing and regulation of audiologists and speech-language pathologists under AS 08.11;
(36) Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development concerning the licensing and regulation of hearing aid dealers under AS 08.55;
(37) Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers;
(38) Department of Labor and Workforce Development as to functions related to employment rights of the organized militia under AS 26.05.075;
(39) Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives;
(40) Board of Marital and Family Therapy;
(41) [Repealed, Sec. 47 ch 57 SLA 2005].
(42) the Department of Revenue for administrative review of actions taken under AS 43.50 relating to a tobacco product manufacturer's compliance with statutory requirements regarding cigarette sales;
(43) the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development as to the licensing and regulation of private professional guardians and conservators under AS 08.26;
(44) Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development relating to the licensing and regulation of persons making deferred deposit advances under AS 06.50;
(45) Department of Health and Social Services relating to the centralized registry under AS 47.05.330 - 47.05.390;
(46) State Commission for Human Rights, where procedures are not otherwise expressly provided in AS 18.80;
(47) the Alaska Retirement Management Board for administration of pension forfeitures under AS 37.10.310 ;
(48) Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development relating to mortgage lending under AS 06.60.
(b) The procedure of an agency not listed in (a) of this section shall be conducted under AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.630 only as to those functions to which AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.630 are made applicable by the statutes relating to that agency.
(c) Judicial review and scope of judicial review of all final decisions of the commissioner of labor and workforce development on an appeal relating to employment security shall be in accord with this chapter notwithstanding anything to the contrary in AS 23.20 (Alaska Employment Security Act). All other procedures of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development relating to employment security shall be as provided in AS 23.20 and the regulations under AS 23.20.
(d) Except in a case of reinstatement or reduction of penalty, the provisions of this chapter do not affect statutory provisions concerning
(1) civil or criminal penalties;
(2) additional relief by injunction or restraining order;
(3) penalty provisions relating to suspension, revocation, reissuance, and other similar matters of licenses, permits, leases, concessions, and other similar matters;
(4) related matters that in their context do not relate to procedure.