Sec. 44.19.608. - Purpose and powers relating to women's issues.
Sec. 44.19.608. Purpose and powers relating to women's issues.
(a) A purpose of the commission is to improve the status of women in the state by conducting research, by serving as a referral service for information and education that will help women avail themselves of existing resources to meet their needs, and by making and implementing recommendations on the opportunities, needs, problems, and contributions of women in the state including
(1) education;
(2) homemaking;
(3) civil and legal rights; and
(4) labor and employment.
(b) To accomplish this purpose, the commission may
(1) act as a clearinghouse and coordinating body for government and nongovernment information relating to the status of women;
(2) cooperate with public and private agencies in joint efforts to study and resolve problems relating to the status of women in Alaska;
(3) accumulate and compile information concerning discrimination against women;
(4) disseminate the results of research and compilation of data acquired under (3) of this subsection by publication and other methods such as public hearings, conferences, and seminars;
(5) study and analyze all facts relating to Alaska laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to equal protection for women under the state constitution;
(6) recommend legislative and administrative action on equal treatment and opportunities for women;
(7) encourage women to utilize their capabilities and to assume leadership roles;
(8) encourage the development of regional and municipal women's councils or commissions.