Sec. 42.30.430. - Obligations concerning the conduct of excavations.
(a) An excavator shall use reasonable care to avoid damaging an underground facility. The excavator shall
(1) determine, without damage to the facility, the precise location of an underground facility whose location has been marked;
(2) plan the excavation to avoid damage to and minimize interference with an underground facility in or near the excavation area; and
(3) to the extent necessary to protect a facility from damage, provide support for an underground facility in and near the construction area during the excavation.
(b) An excavator who, in the course of excavation, contacts or damages an underground facility shall notify the operator. If the damage causes an emergency, the excavator shall also alert appropriate local public safety agencies and take reasonable steps to ensure public safety. A damaged underground facility may not be reburied until it is repaired or relocated to the satisfaction of the operator. The operator of an underground facility that was damaged during excavation shall arrange for repair or relocation of the facility as soon as practical.