Sec. 41.23.210. - Enforcement authority.
(a) In the Knik River Public Use Area described in AS 41.23.230 , the following persons are peace officers of the state for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230 and regulations adopted under AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230:
(1) an employee of the department or other person authorized by the commissioner;
(2) a peace officer, as that term is defined in AS 01.10.060 .
(b) A person designated in (a) of this section may, when enforcing the provisions of AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230 or a regulation adopted under AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230,
(1) execute a warrant or other process issued by an officer or court of competent jurisdiction;
(2) administer or take an oath, affirmation, or affidavit; and
(3) arrest a person who violates a provision of AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230 or a regulation adopted under AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230.