Sec. 39.30.095. - Group health and life benefits fund.

(a) The commissioner of administration shall establish the group health and life benefits fund as a special account in the general fund to provide for group life and health insurance under AS 39.30.090 and 39.30.160 or for self-insurance arrangements under AS 39.30.091 . The commissioner shall maintain accounts and records for the fund. The fund consists of employer contributions, employee contributions, appropriations from the legislature, and income earned on investment of the fund as provided in (d) of this section.

(b) After obtaining the advice of an actuary, the commissioner of administration shall determine the amount necessary to provide benefits under AS 39.30.090 , 39.30.091, and 39.30.160 and, subject to (e) of this section, shall set the rate of employer contribution and employee contribution, if any. With money in the fund, the commissioner of administration shall pay premiums, claims, and administrative costs required under the insurance policies in effect under AS 39.30.090 and 39.30.160, or required under self-insurance arrangements in effect under AS 39.30.091 .

(c) The commissioner of administration or the designee of the commissioner is administrator of the fund. The commissioner may contract with

(1) an insurer authorized to transact business in this state under AS 21.09, or a hospital or medical service corporation authorized to transact business in this state under AS 21.87 to reimburse the state for the cost of administering group insurance provided under AS 39.30.090 and 39.30.160; and

(2) a life or health insurer authorized to transact business in the state under AS 21.09, a hospital or medical service corporation authorized to transact business in this state under AS 21.87, or a third-party administrator licensed to transact business in this state for the administration of benefit claims and payments under AS 39.30.091.

(d) If the commissioner of administration determines that there is more money in the fund than the amount needed to pay premiums, benefits, and administrative costs for the current fiscal year, the surplus, or so much of it as the commissioner of administration considers advisable, may be invested by the commissioner of revenue in the same manner as retirement funds are invested under AS 37.10.220 .

(e) Notwithstanding (b) of this section, the rate of employer contribution to provide hospital, surgical, dental, audiovisual, and other medical care benefits under AS 39.30.091 is $515 monthly beginning July 1, 2000; $575 monthly beginning July 1, 2001; and $630 monthly beginning July 1, 2002, for the following employees and officials:

(1) employees in the executive branch of the state government, including the governor and lieutenant governor, who are not members of a collective bargaining unit established under the authority of AS 23.40.070 - 23.40.260 (Public Employment Relations Act);

(2) officials and employees of the legislative branch of state government under AS 24;

(3) employees in the judicial branch of state government, including magistrates and other judicial officers, who are not members of a collective bargaining unit established under AS 23.40.070 - 23.40.260 (Public Employment Relations Act).

(f) In this section, "fund" means the group health and life benefits fund.