Sec. 39.25.170. - Hearings and appeals upon dismissal, demotion, or suspension.
(a) An employee in the classified service who is dismissed, demoted, or suspended for more than 30 working days in a 12-month period shall be notified in writing by the employer of the action and the reason for it and may be heard publicly by the personnel board and may be represented by counsel at the hearing. In order to be heard, the complainant shall request a hearing within 15 days of dismissal, demotion or suspension.
(b) If the board finds that the action complained of was taken for a political, racial, or religious reason, or in violation of this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter, the officer or employee shall be reinstated to the position without loss of pay or leave benefit for the period of dismissal, demotion, or suspension. In all other cases, the board shall report its findings and recommendations to both parties.