Sec. 39.25.140. - Amendment of personnel rules.
(a) The director of personnel shall prepare and submit to the commissioner of administration any proposed amendments to the personnel rules for all positions and employees subject to this chapter.
(b) The commissioner of administration shall review the amendments and submit them to the personnel board.
(c) At least 30 days before the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a personnel rule, the secretary to the personnel board shall provide notice that the personnel board has the proposed action under consideration. The notice shall be
(1) posted in public buildings throughout the state;
(2) published in one or more newspapers of general circulation throughout the state;
(3) mailed to each person or group that filed a request for notice of proposed action with the secretary to the personnel board;
(4) furnished to each member of the legislature and to the Legislative Affairs Agency.
(d) The rules may provide for exemptions and modifications that are necessary to assure the continuity of federal grants to agencies supported in whole or in part by federal contributions.
(e) The rules adopted under this chapter relate to the internal management of state agencies and their adoption is not subject to the Administrative Procedure Act. The rules shall be published in the Alaska Administrative Register and Code for informational purposes.
(f) Failure to mail notice to a person as required in this section does not invalidate an action taken by the personnel board.
(g) An amendment to the personnel rules takes effect 30 days after it is approved by the personnel board. The board, if requested to do so, may hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment.