Sec. 37.15.630. - Revenue fund.

(a) The toll facilities revenue fund is established and shall be set apart from all other money of the state. The toll facilities revenue fund is a trust fund for the purposes under AS 37.15.610 - 37.15.760, where all revenue, fees, tolls, charges, and rentals are deposited that are derived by the state from the ownership, lease, use, and operation of the facilities authorized by AS 37.15.720 and 37.15.730. The revenue, fees, tolls, charges, and rentals may not include the proceeds of any state tax or license. The money in the revenue fund may only be used to

(1) pay or secure the payment of the principal of and interest on the toll facilities bonds and principal of and interest on any other revenue bonds issued by authorization of the legislature to provide money to acquire, construct, and equip facilities authorized by AS 37.15.720 and 37.15.730 and to be payable out of the revenue fund;

(2) pay the normal and necessary costs of maintaining and operating the facilities acquired, constructed, or equipped under AS 37.15.610 - 37.15.760;

(3) pay the costs of renewals, replacements, and extraordinary repairs to facilities acquired, constructed, or equipped under AS 37.15.610 - 37.15.760;

(4) redeem before their fixed maturities any and all revenue bonds issued for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, and equipping facilities authorized by AS 37.15.720 and 37.15.730;

(5) provide money to acquire, construct, and equip necessary additions and improvements to facilities authorized by AS 37.15.720 and 37.15.730; and

(6) provide money to pay any and all other costs relating to the ownership, use, and operation of the facilities.

(b) The investment of money in the revenue fund may be made as the committee determines. The interest earned upon or any profits derived from the sale of an investment under this subsection shall be deposited in the revenue fund.