Sec. 36.30.080. - Leases.
(a) The department shall lease space for the use of the state or an agency wherever it is necessary and feasible, subject to compliance with the requirements of this chapter. A lease may not provide for a period of occupancy greater than 40 years. An agency requiring office, warehouse, or other space shall lease the space through the department.
(b) [Repealed, Sec. 11 ch 75 SLA 1994].
(c) If the department, the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska, the legislative council, or the supreme court intends to enter into or renew a lease of real property with an annual rent to the department, University of Alaska, legislative council, or supreme court that is anticipated to exceed $500,000, or with total lease payments that exceed $2,500,000 for the full term of the lease, including any renewal options that are defined in the lease, the department, the Board of Regents, the legislative council, or supreme court shall provide notice to the legislature. The notice must include the anticipated annual lease obligation amount and the total lease payments for the full term of the lease. The department, the Board of Regents, the legislative council, and the supreme court may not enter into or renew a lease of real property
(1) requiring notice under this subsection unless the proposed lease or renewal of a lease has been approved by the legislature by law; an appropriation for the rent payable during the initial period of the lease or the initial period of lease renewal constitutes approval of the proposed lease or renewal of a lease for purposes of this paragraph;
(2) under this subsection if the total of all optional renewal periods provided for in the lease exceeds the original term of the lease exclusive of the total period of all renewal options.
(d) When the department is evaluating proposals for a lease of space, the department shall consider, in addition to lease costs, the life cycle costs, function, indoor environment, public convenience, planning, design, appearance, and location of the proposed building.
(e) When the department is considering leasing space, the department should consider whether leasing is likely to be the least costly means to provide the space.
(f) When the department is acquiring leased space of 3,000 square feet or less, the department may procure the leased space using the procedures for small procurements under AS 36.30.320 , providing public notice is given to prospective offerors in the market area.