Sec. 34.45.060. - Sale at public auction.

(a) The peace officer shall sell the property at public auction to the highest bidder in the manner provided for the sale of personal property on execution.

(b) The sale of the property conveys good title superior to all liens, encumbrances, and mortgages, and without right of redemption; but the owner or mortgagee, at any time before the sale, may redeem the property by claiming it and paying all charges of the holder against it and all costs incurred or accrued under AS 34.45.010 - 34.45.080 up to and including the date on which the owner or mortgagee redeems it.

(c) The proceeds from the sale shall be applied in payment, first, of all reasonable costs of sale, inventory and publishing, posting, serving and preparing notices, including the district judge's or magistrate's fees and the fees of the peace officer, and second, of the holder's charges, with interest at the legal rate, against the property.