Sec. 29.06.250. - Charter commission nominations.

(a) If the assembly determines that a unification petition meets the requirements of AS 29.06.210 , or the assembly by its resolution proposes an election on formation of a charter commission, the assembly shall issue a call for the nomination of commission candidates, specifying the filing deadline and the procedure for making nominations.

(b) Charter commission candidates shall be nominated by petition signed by at least 50 voters of the area from which the candidate seeks election, or by a number of voters from that area equal to at least 10 percent of the number of votes cast from that area in the last regular borough election, whichever is less.

(c) Nomination petitions shall be filed with the borough clerk at least 30 days after notice of the call for nominations has been given and on or before a date fixed by the assembly.

(d) If at least one nomination of a qualified charter commission candidate for each available seat is not filed, the unification petition or resolution to propose formation of a charter commission is void and an election on the question may not be held.