Sec. 28.05.111. - Subpoenas of witnesses and documents.
(a) The commissioner of public safety and officers and employees of the Department of Public Safety designated by that commissioner, and the commissioner of administration and officers and employees of the Department of Administration designated by that commissioner, may, for good cause, subpoena witnesses to give testimony under oath or to give written deposition upon a matter under the jurisdiction of the appropriate department with respect to this title and regulations adopted under this title. A subpoena issued under this section may require the production of relevant books, papers, documents, records, or other tangible things designated in the subpoena.
(b) A subpoena issued under this section shall be served at least five days before the return date, either by personal service made by a peace officer or another person who is not less than 18 years of age or by registered or certified mail. Return acknowledgment is required to prove service by mail. The fees for the attendance and travel of witnesses are the same as for witnesses appearing before the district court.
(c) A subpoena issued under this section may be enforced by the district court.