Sec. 25.24.165. - Change of name in divorce or annulment.
(a) In a judgment in an action for divorce or action declaring a marriage void, the court may change the name of either of the parties.
(b) If a party seeks a change of name to a name other than a prior name, the court shall set a date for hearing not less than 40 days after filing of the action. Notice of the application for a change of name to a name other than a prior name and the date of the hearing shall be published once each week for four consecutive calendar weeks before the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the judicial district. The court may also require posting of the notice at locations it considers appropriate. The court shall by judgment authorize the party to assume the new name not less than 30 days after issuance of the judgment, if the court is satisfied that no reasonable objection exists to assumption of the new name. Within 10 days after issuance of the judgment the party shall publish notice of the approval of the name change in a newspaper of general circulation in the judicial district. The court may also require the posting of a copy of the judgment.