Sec. 23.20.160. - Reimbursement of fund.

If money received from the Department of Labor under 42 U.S.C. 501 - 504 (Title III, Social Security Act), or money granted to this state under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended, or money made available by this state and matched by money granted to this state under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended, is found by the Secretary of Labor, because of any action or contingency, to have been lost or expended for a purpose other than or in an amount in excess of that found necessary by the Secretary of Labor for the proper administration of this chapter, it is the policy of the state that the money shall be replaced by money appropriated for the purpose from the general fund of the state to the employment security administration fund for expenditures as provided for in AS 23.20.155 . Upon receipt of notice of the finding by the Secretary of Labor, the department shall promptly report the amount required for replacement to the governor and the governor shall at the earliest opportunity submit to the legislature a request for the appropriation of the amount.