Sec. 23.15.550. - Alaska Workforce Investment Board.
(a) The Alaska Workforce Investment Board is established in the department. The board consists of the following voting members, not to exceed 26:
(1) the lieutenant governor or the lieutenant governor's designee;
(2) the commissioners of commerce, community, and economic development, education and early development, health and social services, and labor and workforce development, or each respective commissioner's designee;
(3) one representative from the University of Alaska;
(4) four additional representatives of education, with one from local public education, one from secondary vocational education, one from a postsecondary vocational education institution, and one from adult basic education;
(5) four representatives of business and industry;
(6) four representatives of organized labor whom the governor shall appoint from lists of nominees submitted by recognized state labor organizations; the governor may reject a list submitted under this paragraph and request that another list be submitted;
(7) at least one representative from an organization representing employment and training needs of Alaska Natives;
(8) at least one representative of a community-based service organization;
(9) at least one representative who has personal or professional experience with developmental disabilities; and
(10) at least one and up to five additional members of the private sector to ensure a private sector majority and regional and local representation on the board.
(b) Additional nonvoting members may be appointed to the board from government or nongovernment entities.
(c) A member of the board under (a) of this section may appoint a designee to serve in place of the member. The member shall appoint the designee in writing.