Sec. 23.10.332. - Authorization for children under 17 to work.

(a) Except for employment exempted under AS 23.10.330 and other employment specifically exempted by regulations adopted by the department, a minor under 17 years of age may not be employed or allowed to work without the written authorization of the commissioner unless authorized under AS 23.10.360 or under (c) of this section.

(b) The department shall adopt regulations necessary to implement this section.

(c) An employer may employ a minor who is at least 14 years of age to perform a specific job consisting of listed duties without the written authorization of the commissioner under (a) of this section if the employer has, in advance, secured the approval of the commissioner for a minor to perform that job and the employer files the written consent from the minor's parent or guardian described in (d) of this section. The employer may not change any of the listed duties of a job to be performed by a minor without prior approval of the commissioner.

(d) A written consent from a parent or guardian filed under (c) of this section

(1) is valid only for the job and listed duties specified on the consent;

(2) must be filed with the commissioner within seven calendar days after the minor begins working the job specified in the consent;

(3) is valid for the calendar year in which it is executed or, in the case of a written consent executed in December, for that calendar year, the next calendar year, or both, depending on the terms of the written consent;

(4) shall be on a form provided by the department; the department may use the same form that it uses to issue work permits under (a) of this section to secure parental signatures under this subsection; and

(5) must be signed by a parent or legal guardian of the minor before the date the minor begins working the job specified in the consent.