Sec. 19.30.270. - Allocation of money.
(a) During each fiscal year each municipality shall receive money from the department that has been appropriated or otherwise designated for expenditure for road improvements within the municipality, based on the total road mileage in each road maintenance service area in the municipality. The amounts that are available shall be distributed pro rata among eligible municipalities.
(b) Money allocated to a municipality under this section shall be disbursed by the municipality for road maintenance service areas based on a first come, first served priority of road maintenance service area applications, subject to a 50 percent match by each road maintenance service area.
(c) Money allocated under this section shall be available for expenditure in the road maintenance service area for which the funds are authorized for a period of five years after the end of the fiscal year for which the funds are authorized. Money allocated for a road maintenance service area that is unexpended and unobligated at the end of the five-year period shall be used for other road maintenance service areas in the same municipality in accordance with AS 19.30.260 - 19.30.320. If there are no other road maintenance service areas in the municipality for which the money can be used, the municipality shall remit the unexpended and unobligated money to the department and it shall lapse into the general fund.
(d) Fifty percent of the cost of construction in a road maintenance service area shall be paid by the road maintenance service area through road improvement district assessments, grants, or other appropriate financing means.