Sec. 18.80.290. - Local human rights commissions.
(a) The legislative body of a municipality may, by ordinance or resolution, authorize the establishment of membership in and support of a local human rights commission. The number and qualifications of the members of a local commission and their terms and method of appointment or removal shall be as determined by the legislative body, except that a member may not hold office in a political party.
(b) The legislative body of a municipality has the authority to appropriate funds in amounts as considered necessary for the purpose of contributing to the operation of a local commission, including the payment of its share of the salary of an investigator or staff member acting jointly for it and one or more other local commissions.
(c) The local commission has the power to appoint employees and staff as it considers necessary to fulfill its purpose, including the power to appoint an investigator or staff member to act jointly for it and one or more other local commissions.
(d) The governing body of a municipality has the authority under AS 29.20.320 to grant to local commissions powers and duties similar to those exercised by the commission under the provisions of this chapter.