Sec. 18.56.086. - Creation of subsidiaries.

The corporation may create subsidiary corporations for the purpose of financing or facilitating the financing of school construction, facilities for the University of Alaska, facilities for ports and harbors, prepayment of all or a portion of a governmental employer's share of unfunded accrued actuarial liability of retirement systems, or other capital projects. A subsidiary corporation created under this section may be incorporated under AS 10.20.146 - 10.20.166. The corporation may transfer assets of the corporation to a subsidiary created under this section. A subsidiary created under this section may borrow money and issue bonds as evidence of that borrowing, and has all the powers of the corporation that the corporation grants to it. However, a subsidiary created for the purpose of financing or facilitating the financing of prepayment of a governmental employer's share of unfunded accrued actuarial liability of retirement systems may borrow money and issue bonds only if the state bond rating is the equivalent of AA- or better and subject to AS 37.15.903 . Unless otherwise provided by the corporation, the debts, liabilities, and obligations of a subsidiary corporation created under this section are not the debts, liabilities, or obligations of the corporation.