- Sec. 18.55.010. - Purpose of AS 18.55.100 - 18.55.290.
- Sec. 18.55.020. - 18.55.070 - l Alaska State Housing Authority. [Repealed, Sec. 140 ch 4 FSSLA 1992].
- Sec. 18.55.080. - Members or employees prohibited from acquiring interest in projects.
- Sec. 18.55.090. - Removal of members. [Repealed, Sec. 2 ch 9 SLA 1965].
- Sec. 18.55.100. - Powers of corporation.
- Sec. 18.55.105. - Lease of authority's public buildings to political subdivisions. [Repealed, Sec. 3 ch 118 SLA 1967].
- Sec. 18.55.110. - Cooperation with and aid of federal government.
- Sec. 18.55.120. - Operation and management of projects.
- Sec. 18.55.130. - Qualifications of tenants and maximum number of rooms.
- Sec. 18.55.140. - Issuance of bonds, notes, and refunding bonds.
- Sec. 18.55.150. - Security for bonds.
- Sec. 18.55.160. - Limitation of liability on bonds.
- Sec. 18.55.170. - Exemption from taxes.
- Sec. 18.55.180. - Issuance and sale of bonds and notes.
- Sec. 18.55.185. - Prohibited bidding on bonds and notes. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 86 SLA 1981].
- Sec. 18.55.187. - Independent financial advisor.
- Sec. 18.55.190. - Maximum interest rate. [Repealed, Sec. 1 ch 52 SLA 1977].
- Sec. 18.55.200. - Additional powers to secure bonds or obligations under leases.
- Sec. 18.55.210. - Right of obligee of corporation to bring action.
- Sec. 18.55.220. - Power of corporation to confer upon obligee right to bring action or proceeding.
- Sec. 18.55.230. - Exemption of real property of corporation from execution or other process.
- Sec. 18.55.240. - Power of corporation to obtain federal aid and cooperation.
- Sec. 18.55.250. - Property of corporation exempt from taxes and assessments.
- Sec. 18.55.255. - Disposal of surplus property.
- Sec. 18.55.260. - Legality of corporation's bonds as investments.
- Sec. 18.55.270. - Recommendations for legislation.
- Sec. 18.55.280. - Public loans or donations to or cooperation with corporation.
- Sec. 18.55.288. - Definitions.
- Sec. 18.55.290. - Short title.