Sec. 18.15.380. - Medical treatment.
(a) A health care practitioner or public health agent who examines or treats an individual who has or may have been exposed to a contagious disease shall instruct the individual about the measures for preventing transmission of the disease and the need for treatment.
(b) The department may administer medication or other medical treatment, including the use of directly observed therapy where appropriate, to a consenting individual who has or may have been exposed to a contagious disease.
(c) An individual has the right to refuse treatment and may not be required to submit to involuntary treatment as long as the individual is willing to take steps outlined by the state medical officer to prevent the spread of a communicable disease to others. However, an individual who exercises the right to refuse treatment under this subsection may be responsible for paying all costs incurred by the state in seeking and implementing a quarantine or isolation order made necessary by a refusal of treatment by the individual. The department shall notify an individual who refuses treatment under this subsection that the refusal may result in an indefinite period of quarantine or isolation and that the individual may be responsible for payment of the costs of the quarantine or isolation.