Sec. 16.43.310. - Establishment of buy-back funds and permit buy-back assessments.
(a) When the optimum number of entry permits is less than the number of entry permits outstanding in a fishery, the commission may establish a buy-back program, a buy-back plan, and a buy-back fund for that fishery.
(b) The commission may establish by regulation a permit buy-back assessment for each fishery for which the commission has established a buy-back fund under (a) of this section. The amount of the assessment may not exceed seven percent of the value, as defined in AS 43.75.290 , of fish that a permit holder in the fishery subject to the assessment removes from the state or transfers to a buyer in the state. The Department of Revenue shall collect an assessment established under this subsection.
(c) The commission shall expend money appropriated to a buy-back fund for the purpose of reducing the number of entry permits in the fishery to the optimum number, at a rate to be established by the commission. The legislature may appropriate interest accrued on the money in a buy-back fund to that fund. Except as provided in AS 16.43.320, money appropriated to a buy-back fund does not lapse.