Sec. 16.20.190. - Determining endangered species.
(a) A species or subspecies of fish or wildlife is considered endangered when the commissioner of fish and game determines that its numbers have decreased to such an extent as to indicate that its continued existence is threatened. In making this determination the commissioner of fish and game shall consider
(1) the destruction, drastic modification, or severe curtailment of its habitat;
(2) its overutilization for commercial or sporting purposes;
(3) the effect on it of disease or predation;
(4) other natural or man-made factors affecting its continued existence.
(b) After making a determination under (a) of this section, the commissioner of fish and game shall, in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), publish a list of the species or subspecies of fish and wildlife that are endangered. The commissioner shall, at least once every two years thereafter, conduct a thorough review of the list to determine what changes have occurred concerning the species or subspecies listed. Consideration of existing species or subspecies of fish and wildlife for listing under this section shall be made on a continuing basis. The review of listed species or subspecies conducted under this section shall be submitted in writing to the governor and the legislature and shall be made available to the public.
(c) In making the determination and review under (a) and (b) of this section, the commissioner of fish and game shall seek the advice and recommendation of interested persons and organizations, including but not limited to ornithologists, ichthyologists, ecologists, and zoologists.