Sec. 16.10.165. - Utilization of groundfish taken in a commercial fishery.

(a) Unless otherwise provided by law, a person may not recklessly waste or cause to be wasted groundfish taken in a commercial fishery.

(b) The Board of Fisheries may adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) it considers necessary for implementation of this section. The board may delegate its authority under this section to the commissioner.

(c) A person who violates this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

(d) Each day on which a violation of this section occurs is a separate violation.

(e) In this section

(1) "flesh" means all muscular body tissue surrounding the skeleton;

(2) "groundfish" means

(A) pollock; or

(B) other species of groundfish designated by the Board of Fisheries under authority of this section;

(3) "person" includes a joint venture;

(4) "waste" means the failure to use the flesh of groundfish for human consumption, reduction to meal, production of food for domestic animals or fish, bait, or scientific, display, or educational purposes; "waste" does not include normal, inadvertent loss of flesh associated with processing that cannot be prevented by practical means.