Sec. 16.05.350. - Expiration of licenses, permits, and tags.
(a) Licenses, permits, and tags required under AS 16.05.330 - 16.05.430, except biennial licenses, triennial licenses, the nonresident sport fishing licenses, the resident trapping license, the nonresident anadromous king salmon tags, the waterfowl conservation tag, and permits having a different specified expiration date, expire at the close of December 31 following issuance.
(b) Biennial licenses expire after December 31 of the year following the year of issuance.
(c) Triennial licenses expire after December 31 of the second year following the year of issuance.
(d) The resident trapping license expires at the close of September 30 of the year following the year in which the license is issued.
(e) The waterfowl conservation tag expires at the close of January 31 of the year following the year of issue of the tag.