Sec. 15.13.050. - Registration before expenditure.

(a) Before making an expenditure in support of or in opposition to a candidate or before making an expenditure in support of or in opposition to a ballot proposition or question, each person other than an individual shall register, on forms provided by the commission, with the commission.

(b) If a group intends to support only one candidate or to contribute to or expend on behalf of one candidate 33 1/3 percent or more of its funds, the name of the candidate shall be a part of the name of the group. If the group intends to oppose only one candidate or to contribute its funds in opposition to or make expenditures in opposition to a candidate, the group's name must clearly state that it opposes that candidate by using a word such as "opposes," "opposing," "in opposition to," or "against" in the group's name. Promptly upon receiving the registration, the commission shall notify the candidate of the group's organization and intent. A candidate may register more than one group to support the candidate; however, multiple groups controlled by a single candidate shall be treated as a single group for purposes of the contribution limit in AS 15.13.070 (b)(1).