Sec. 14.30.186. - Coverage; regulations.

(a) Special education and related services shall be provided by

(1) a borough or city school district for a child with a disability residing within the district;

(2) the board of a regional educational attendance area operating a school in the area for a child with a disability residing in the area served by the school;

(3) the borough, city school district, or regional educational attendance area in which a treatment facility or a correctional or youth detention facility is located for a child with a disability placed at the facility;

(4) a state boarding school established under AS 14.16 for a child with a disability enrolled at a state boarding school; or

(5) a school district that provides a statewide correspondence study program for a child with a disability who is enrolled in the program.

(b) [Repealed, Sec. 41 ch 67 SLA 2001].

(c) [Repealed, Sec. 19 ch 147 SLA 1984].

(d) [Repealed, Sec. 19 ch 147 SLA 1984].

(e) If the parent of a child with a disability elects to educate the child as allowed under AS 14.30.010 (b), the child may not be compelled to receive the special education and related services provided under AS 14.30.180 - 14.30.350.

(f) The department shall, by regulation, establish standards for the allocation of financial responsibilities and the coordination of the provision of special education and related services among the educational agencies listed in (a) of this section when more than one educational agency is responsible for providing those services.