Sec. 14.17.460. - District cost factors.

(a) For purposes of calculating a district's adjusted ADM under AS 14.17.410 (b)(1), the district cost factor for a school district is (1) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, the factor set out under column (A) of this subsection, (2) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, the factor set out under column (B) of this subsection, (3) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, the factor set out under column (C) of this subsection, (4) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, the factor set out under column (D) of this subsection, and (5) for fiscal years ending on or after June 30, 2013, the factor set out under column (E) of this subsection:



(B) (C) (D) (E)

Alaska Gateway 1.443

1.481 1.519 1.557 1.594

Aleutians East 1.707

1.778 1.849 1.920 1.991

Aleutians Region 1.838

1.864 1.890 1.916 1.939

Anchorage 1.000

1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

Annette Island 1.175

1.216 1.257 1.298 1.338

Bering Strait 1.762

1.821 1.880 1.939 1.998

Bristol Bay 1.370

1.397 1.424 1.451 1.478

Chatham 1.348

1.405 1.462 1.519 1.576

Chugach 1.395

1.420 1.445 1.470 1.496

Copper River 1.246

1.264 1.282 1.300 1.316

Cordova 1.165

1.182 1.199 1.216 1.234

Craig 1.108

1.133 1.158 1.183 1.206

Deltareely 1.174

1.191 1.208 1.225 1.241

Denali 1.323

1.326 1.329 1.332 1.332

Dillingham 1.300

1.312 1.324 1.336 1.346

Fairbanks 1.055

1.059 1.063 1.067 1.070

Galena 1.370

1.376 1.382 1.388 1.391

Haines 1.104

1.128 1.152 1.176 1.200

Hoonah 1.227

1.270 1.313 1.356 1.399

Hydaburg 1.295

1.348 1.401 1.454 1.504

Iditarod 1.658

1.705 1.752 1.799 1.846

Juneau 1.075

1.093 1.111 1.129 1.145

Kake 1.242

1.296 1.350 1.404 1.459

Kashunamiut 1.504

1.533 1.562 1.591 1.619

Kenai Peninsula 1.088

1.109 1.130 1.151 1.171

Ketchikan 1.085

1.106 1.127 1.148 1.170

Klawock 1.160

1.196 1.232 1.268 1.302

Kodiak Island 1.191

1.216 1.241 1.266 1.289

Kuspuk 1.584

1.622 1.660 1.698 1.734

Lake and Peninsula 1.776

1.831 1.886 1.941 1.994

Lower Kuskokwim 1.577

1.599 1.621 1.643 1.663

Lower Yukon 1.650

1.703 1.756 1.809 1.861

Matanuska-Susitna 1.040

1.048 1.056 1.064 1.070

Mt. Edgecumbe 1.098

1.123 1.148 1.173 1.195

Nenana 1.304

1.313 1.322 1.331 1.338

Nome 1.385

1.402 1.419 1.436 1.450

North Slope 1.648

1.684 1.720 1.756 1.791

Northwest Arctic 1.686

1.720 1.754 1.788 1.823

Pelican 1.384

1.408 1.432 1.456 1.477

Petersburg 1.122

1.153 1.184 1.215 1.244

Pribilof 1.555

1.589 1.623 1.657 1.691

Sitka 1.098

1.123 1.148 1.173 1.195

Skagway 1.159

1.163 1.167 1.171 1.174

Southeast Island 1.264

1.299 1.334 1.369 1.403

Southwest Region 1.554

1.587 1.620 1.653 1.685

St. Mary's 1.488

1.522 1.556 1.590 1.624

Tanana 1.641

1.677 1.713 1.749 1.786

Unalaska 1.343

1.368 1.393 1.418 1.441

Valdez 1.133

1.143 1.153 1.163 1.170

Wrangell 1.080

1.100 1.120 1.140 1.159

Yakutat 1.229

1.275 1.321 1.367 1.412

Yukon Flats 1.892

1.948 2.004 2.060 2.116

Yukon/Koyukuk 1.669

1.711 1.753 1.795 1.835

Yupiit 1.596

1.628 1.660 1.692 1.723.

(b) The department shall monitor the cost factors established under (a) of this section and shall prepare and submit to the legislature by January 15 of every other fiscal year proposed district cost factors.