Sec. 14.08.111. - Duties.

A regional school board shall

(1) provide, during the school term of each year, an educational program for each school age child who is enrolled in or a resident of the district;

(2) develop a philosophy of education, principles, and goals for its schools;

(3) approve the employment of the professional administrators, teachers, and noncertificated personnel necessary to operate its schools;

(4) establish the salaries to be paid its employees;

(5) designate the employees authorized to direct disbursements from the school funds of the board;

(6) submit the reports prescribed for all school districts;

(7) provide for an annual audit in accordance with AS 14.14.050 ;

(8) provide custodial services and routine maintenance of school buildings and facilities;

(9) establish procedures for the review and selection of all textbooks and instructional materials, including textbooks and curriculum materials for statewide correspondence programs, before they are introduced into the school curriculum; the review includes a review for violations of AS 14.18.060 ; nothing in this paragraph precludes a correspondence study student, or the parent or guardian of a correspondence study student, from privately obtaining or using textbooks or curriculum material not provided by the school district;

(10) provide prospective employees with information relating to the availability and cost of housing in rural areas to which they might be assigned, and, when possible, assist them in locating housing; however, nothing in this paragraph requires a regional school board to provide teacher housing, whether owned, leased, or rented or otherwise provided by the regional educational attendance area, nor does it require the board to engage in a subsidy program of any kind with respect to teacher housing; and

(11) train persons required to report under AS 47.17.020 , in the recognition and reporting of child abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse of a minor.