Sec. 13.36.072. - Co-trustees.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in the trust instrument,

(1) co-trustees who are unable to reach a unanimous decision may decide to act by majority decision;

(2) if a vacancy occurs in a co-trusteeship, the remaining co-trustee or co-trustees may continue to act for the trust with full authority;

(3) a co-trustee shall participate in the performance of the co-trustee's function unless

(A) the co-trustee is unavailable to perform the function because of absence, illness, disqualification under other law, or temporary incapacity; or

(B) the co-trustee has properly delegated the performance of the function to another co-trustee;

(4) if a co-trustee is unavailable to perform duties because of absence, illness, disqualification under other law, or temporary incapacity, and prompt action is necessary to achieve the purposes of the trust or to avoid injury to the trust property, the remaining co-trustee or a majority of the remaining co-trustees may act with full authority for the trust.

(b) Except as prohibited by the terms of the trust, a co-trustee may, by a signed, written instrument, delegate to a co-trustee the performance of a function. Unless a delegation is irrevocable, a co-trustee may revoke a delegation.