Sec. 13.26.341. - Applicability of provisions of statutory form power of attorney.

In the instrument set out in AS 13.26.332 - 13.26.335,

(1) if the principal has appointed more than one person to act as attorney-in-fact or agent and failed to check whether the agents may act "jointly" or "severally," the agents are required to act jointly;

(2) if the principal has failed to indicate when the instrument shall become effective, the instrument shall become effective upon the date of the principal's signature;

(3) if the principal has indicated that the instrument shall become effective upon the date of the principal's signature or has failed to indicate when the instrument shall become effective and has failed to indicate the effect of the principal's subsequent disability on the instrument, the instrument shall be revoked by the subsequent disability of the principal;

(4) if the principal has failed to indicate a specific term for the instrument, the instrument shall continue in effect until revoked.