Sec. 12.65.130. - State child fatality review team duties.
(a) The state child fatality review team shall
(1) assist the state medical examiner in determining the cause and manner of the deaths in this state of children under 18 years of age;
(2) unless the child's death is currently being investigated by a law enforcement agency, review a report of a death of a child within 48 hours of the report being received by the medical examiner if
(A) the death is of a child under 10 years of age;
(B) the deceased child, a sibling, or a member of the deceased child's household
(i) is in the legal or physical custody of the state under AS 47 or under similar custody of another state or political subdivision of a state; or
(ii) has been the subject of a report of harm under AS 47.17 or a child abuse or neglect investigation by the Department of Health and Social Services or by a similar child protective service in this or another state;
(C) a protective order under AS 18.66.100 or 18.66.110 has been in effect during the previous year in which the petitioner or respondent was a member of the deceased child's immediate family or household; or
(D) the child's death occurred in a mental health institution, mental health treatment facility, foster home, or other residential or child care facility, including a day care facility;
(3) review records concerning
(A) abuse or neglect of the deceased child or another child in the deceased child's household;
(B) the criminal history or juvenile delinquency of a person who may have caused the death of the child and of persons in the deceased child's household; and
(C) a history of domestic violence involving a person who may have caused the death of the child or involving persons in the deceased child's household, including records in the central registry of protective orders under AS 18.65.540 ;
(4) if insufficient information exists to adequately determine the cause and manner of death, recommend to the state medical examiner that additional information be obtained under AS 12.65.020 ; and
(5) if a local, regional, or district child fatality review team has not been appointed under AS 12.65.015 or is not available, be available to provide recommendations, suggestions, and advice to state or municipal law enforcement or social service agencies in the investigation of deaths of children.
(b) The state child fatality review team may
(1) collect data and analyze and interpret information regarding deaths of children in this state;
(2) develop state and local data bases on deaths of children in this state;
(3) develop a model protocol for the investigation of deaths of children; and
(4) periodically issue reports to the public containing statistical data and other information that does not violate federal or state law concerning confidentiality of the children and their families involved in the reviews; these reports may include
(A) identification of trends, patterns, and risk factors in deaths of the children;
(B) analyses of the incidence and causes of deaths of children in this state;
(C) recommendations for improving the coordination of government services and investigations; and
(D) recommendations for prevention of future deaths of children.