Sec. 12.65.120. - State child fatality review team.
(a) The state child fatality review team is established in the Department of Health and Social Services to assist the state medical examiner. The team is composed of
(1) the following persons, or that person's designee:
(A) the state medical examiner;
(B) a state prosecutor with experience in homicide prosecutions, appointed by the attorney general;
(C) an investigator with the state troopers who has experience in conducting investigations of homicide, child abuse, or child neglect, appointed by the commissioner of public safety;
(D) a social worker with the Department of Health and Social Services who has experience in conducting investigations of child abuse and neglect, appointed by the commissioner of health and social services;
(2) the following persons, or that person's designee, appointed by the commissioner of health and social services:
(A) a physician licensed under AS 08.64 who
(i) specializes in neonatology or perinatology; or
(ii) is certified by the American Board of Pediatrics;
(B) a municipal law enforcement officer with experience in conducting investigations of homicide, child abuse, or child neglect;
(C) other persons, including educators, whose experience and expertise would, as determined by the commissioner of health and social services, contribute to the effectiveness of the team.
(b) A team member is not eligible to receive compensation from the state for service on the team. A member appointed under (a)(2) of this section
(1) is eligible for travel expenses and per diem from the Department of Health and Social Services under AS 39.20.180 ; and
(2) serves at the pleasure of the commissioner of health and social services.
(c) In addition to the persons specified in (a) of this section, the team may invite a person to participate as a member of the team if the person has expertise that would be helpful to the team in a review of a specific death. A person participating under this subsection is eligible only for travel expenses and per diem from the Department of Health and Social Services under AS 39.20.180 .
(d) The state medical examiner serves as chair of the team.