Sec. 10.15.595. - Definitions.

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,

(1) "articles" means articles of incorporation;

(2) "board" means board of directors;

(3) "commissioner" means the commissioner of commerce, community, and economic development;

(4) "cooperative" means a cooperative corporation subject to the provisions of this chapter;

(5) "corporation" means a corporation that is not a cooperative;

(6) "court" means superior court;

(7) "department" means the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development;

(8) "foreign cooperative" means a cooperative corporation organized under laws other than the laws of this state;

(9) "member" means a person who has been qualified and accepted for membership in a cooperative;

(10) "membership stock" means a class of stock, continuous ownership of which is required for membership in a cooperative;

(11) "shareholder" means a holder of shares of capital stock of a cooperative other than membership stock.