Sec. 10.13.830. - Civil penalty.

(a) If after notice and a hearing the department finds that a person has violated this chapter, the department may order the person to pay to the department a civil penalty in the amount the department specifies. The civil penalty may not exceed $1,000 for each violation, or in the case of a continuing violation, $1,000 for each day the violation continues.

(b) This section does not apply to an act committed or omitted in good faith in conformity with an order, regulation, declaratory ruling, or written interpretative opinion of the department, even if the order, regulation, declaratory ruling, or written interpretative opinion is later amended, rescinded, or repealed, or determined by judicial or other authority to be invalid.

(c) The provisions of (a) of this section are in addition to, and not alternative to, the other provisions of this chapter that authorize the department to issue orders or to take other action on account of a violation of this chapter.