Sec. 10.13.040. - Requisite net worth.

(a) In order to receive a license, an applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the applicant has raised sufficient capital so that

(1) the net worth of the BIDCO is expected to be adequate, in the context of its business plan, to support the BIDCO's management team and to achieve an appropriate spreading of the risk involved in the BIDCO's provisions of financing assistance; and

(2) the BIDCO has a reasonable promise of being a viable, ongoing BIDCO, satisfying the basic objectives of its business plan and achieving long-term financial success.

(b) Unless the BIDCO receives a loan under AS 37.17.500 - 37.17.690, the department may not establish a minimum net worth for a BIDCO under this section of less than $1,500,000. If the BIDCO, as part of its initial capitalization, receives a loan under AS 37.17.500 - 37.17.690, the minimum net worth of the BIDCO may be $500,000, excluding organization costs paid for or owed by the BIDCO.