Sec. 10.10.090. - Powers of stockholders and members.

The stockholders and the members of the corporation have the following powers of the corporation:

(1) to determine the number of and elect directors as provided in AS 10.10.120;

(2) to make, amend, and repeal bylaws;

(3) to amend this charter as provided in AS 10.10.110 ;

(4) to dissolve the corporation as provided in AS 10.10.180 ;

(5) to do all things necessary or desirable to secure aid, assistance loans and other financing from any financial institutions, and from any agency established under 15 U.S.C. 661 - 697 (Small Business Investment Act of 1958), or other similar federal laws now or hereafter enacted;

(6) to exercise other of the powers of the corporation consistent with this chapter which may be conferred on the stockholders and the members by the bylaws.