Sec. 08.98.050. - Powers and duties of the board.
(a) The board shall
(1) establish examination requirements for eligible applicants for licensure to practice veterinary medicine;
(2) examine, or cause to be examined, eligible applicants for licensure or registration;
(3) approve the issuance of licenses and student permits to qualified applicants;
(4) establish standards for the practice of veterinary medicine by regulation;
(5) conduct disciplinary proceedings in accordance with this chapter;
(6) adopt regulations requiring proof of continued competency before a license is renewed;
(7) as requested by the department, monitor the standards and availability of veterinary services provided in the state and report its findings to the department;
(8) collect, or cause to be collected, data concerning the practice of veterinary technology by veterinary technicians in the state and submit the data to the department for maintenance;
(9) establish, by regulation, educational and training requirements for
(A) the issuance of student permits; and
(B) the delegation of duties by veterinarians licensed under this chapter to veterinary technicians.
(b) The board may
(1) establish examination and registration requirements for veterinary technicians;
(2) adopt regulations or do any act necessary to carry out its duties under this chapter.