Sec. 08.68.333. - Registry of certified nurse aides.
(a) The board shall maintain a registry of certified nurse aides. At a minimum, this registry must include the information required under federal regulations that are applicable to nurse aides found to have committed abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of property in connection with their employment by a facility participating in the Medicaid or Medicare program.
(b) If the board finds that a certified nurse aide has committed abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of property in connection with employment as a nurse aide, the board shall revoke the nurse aide's certification and enter the finding in the registry.
(c) Upon receiving a notice of a finding under AS 47.05.055 that a certified nurse aide has committed abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of property, the board shall immediately revoke the nurse aide's certification without a hearing, enter the finding in the registry, and notify the nurse aide of the revocation and entry of the finding. Notice is considered given when delivered personally to the nurse aide or deposited in the United States mail addressed to the nurse aide's last known mailing address on file with the board. The department shall retain proof of mailing.
(d) If the certified nurse aide is employed in a skilled nursing facility or a nursing facility, other than an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, that is participating in the Medicaid or Medicare program, only the state survey and certification agency may make, and report to the Board of Nursing, a finding that the certified nurse aide has committed abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of property in connection with the nurse aide's employment at the facility.
(e) The board shall establish procedures under which a finding under AS 47.05.055 that a certified nurse aide has committed abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of property and the resulting revocation of certification will be removed from the registry if the certified nurse aide requests a hearing and can establish mistaken identity or the finding has been set aside by the reporting agency or by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(f) AS 44.62.330 - 44.62.630 do not apply to actions taken under (c) of this section.