Sec. 08.64.276. - Retired status license.

(a) On retiring from practice and payment of an appropriate one-time fee, a licensee in good standing with the board may apply for the conversion of an active or inactive license to a retired status license. A person holding a retired status license may not practice medicine, osteopathy, or podiatry in the state. A retired status license is valid for the life of the license holder and does not require renewal. A person holding a retired status license is exempt from AS 08.64.312 .

(b) A person with a retired status license may apply for active licensure. Before issuing an active license under this subsection, the board may require the applicant to meet reasonable criteria as determined under regulations of the board, which may include submission of continuing medical education credits, reexamination requirements, physical and psychiatric examination requirements, an interview with the entire board, and review of information in the national data bank of the National Federation of State Medical Boards.