Sec. 08.64.170. - License to practice medicine, podiatry, or osteopathy.

(a) A person may not practice medicine, podiatry, or osteopathy in the state unless the person is licensed under this chapter, except that

(1) a physician assistant may examine, diagnose, or treat persons under the supervision, control, and responsibility of either a physician licensed under this chapter or a physician exempted from licensing under AS 08.64.370 ;

(2) a mobile intensive care paramedic may render emergency lifesaving service; and

(3) a person who is licensed or authorized under another chapter of this title may engage in a practice that is authorized under that chapter.

(b) [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 101 SLA 1974].

(c) A chiropodist practicing in the state on May 16, 1972, is exempt from this section.

(d) A podiatrist practicing in the state on March 26, 1976, is exempt from this section, and shall be issued a license without examination if application is made within one year of March 26, 1976.