Sec. 08.32.060. - Frequency and content of examination.

(a) The examination shall be held at times and places determined by the board. The examination shall be designed to test the qualifications of the applicant to practice dental hygiene and must consist of a written and a clinical examination.

(b) The subjects of the written examination must include dental radiology, the state's laws on the practice of dental hygiene, and other subjects selected in accordance with the trends of dental hygiene education and professional and technical advances.

(c) The clinical examination shall test the applicant's skill in clinical procedures considered essential by the board for the practice of dental hygiene including the removal of calcareous deposits, accretions, and stains from the exposed surfaces of the teeth beginning at the epithelial attachment by scaling and polishing techniques.

(d) The board may require an applicant to pass a laboratory examination as a prerequisite to admission to the clinical examination if the board has reason to believe the applicant cannot practice safely on a clinical patient.