Sec. 08.04.600. - Disclosure of lack of license or permit.

An individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or other entity that does not hold a current license, a current practice privilege, or a current permit may not hold out to the public as a certified public accountant or public accountant by use of such words or abbreviations on any sign, card, letterhead, or in any advertisement or directory, without indicating that the individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or other entity does not hold a current license, a current practice privilege, or a current permit. This section does not prohibit

(1) an officer, employee, partner, member, or principal of an organization from self-description through the position, title, or office that the person holds in the organization;

(2) an act of a public official or public employee in the performance of that individual's duties; or

(3) a person from maintaining a bookkeeping or tax service.