Sec. 08.01.100. - License renewal, lapse, and reinstatement.

(a) Licenses shall be renewed biennially on the dates set by the department with the approval of the respective board.

(b) A license subject to renewal shall be renewed on or before the date set by the department. If the license is not renewed by the date set by the department, the license lapses. In addition to renewal fees required for reinstatement of the lapsed license, the department may impose a delayed renewal penalty, established by regulation, that shall be paid before a license that has been lapsed for more than 60 days may be renewed. The department may adopt a delayed renewal penalty only with the concurrence of the appropriate board.

(c) Except as provided in (f) of this section, when continuing education or other requirements are made a condition of license renewal, the requirements shall be satisfied before a license is renewed.

(d) Except as otherwise provided, a license may not be renewed if it has been lapsed for five years or more.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a renewal of a license may not be issued by the department to a natural person unless the licensee's social security number has been provided to the department.

(f) The department may establish and implement a waiver of continuing education requirements for renewal of a license regulated by the department and a board may establish and implement a waiver of continuing education requirements for renewal of a license regulated by the board for the period in which a licensee is engaged in active duty military service in the armed forces of the United States.