Sec. 04.11.410. - Restriction of location near churches and schools.

(a) A beverage dispensary or package store license may not be issued and the location of an existing license may not be transferred if the licensed premises would be located in a building the public entrance of which is within 200 feet of a school ground or a church building in which religious services are regularly conducted, measured by the shortest pedestrian route from the outer boundaries of the school ground or the public entrance of the church building. However, a license issued before the presence of either cause of restriction within 200 feet of the licensed premises may be renewed or transferred to a person notwithstanding this subsection.

(b) If a beverage dispensary or package store license for premises located within 200 feet of a school ground or church building in which religious services are regularly conducted is revoked, expires, or is transferred to another location, a beverage dispensary or package store license may not be issued or transferred to the formerly licensed premises until the cessation of either cause of restriction.