Section 8-6-116 Action by director upon receipt of notification; stop orders.
Section 8-6-116
Action by director upon receipt of notification; stop orders.
Upon receipt of a notification, the director shall cause a preliminary investigation or inquiry to be made into the proposed issue to determine whether there exist circumstances which, in his or her opinion, indicate that the proposed issue of industrial revenue bonds may be an improvident issue. If he or she finds that the proposed issue may be improvident, he or she shall advise the issuer of the findings and shall issue a stop order or stop orders requiring that for a period of time not exceeding in the aggregate 90 days after the filing of the notification, the issuer shall not issue the industrial revenue bonds proposed in the notification or any industrial revenue bonds in lieu of the bonds proposed. When a stop order has been served upon the issuer, it shall be fully effective (a) unless lifted by the director or the commission for good cause shown, or (b) unless the proposed industrial revenue bonds described in the notification have been reauthorized by the governing body of the issuer at a meeting at which the governing body has considered any comments or objections presented by the director or his or her representative. Written notice of the meeting shall be given to the director. The notice shall also be published in a newspaper published or circulated in the county where the proposed issuer is located.
(Acts 1978, No. 586, p. 681, §7; Acts 1992, No. 92-124, p. 224, §3.)