- Section 41-8A-1 Definitions.
- Section 41-8A-2 Creation; composition; director generally.
- Section 41-8A-3 Staff.
- Section 41-8A-4 Powers and duties of director.
- Section 41-8A-5 State supervisory board - Creation; composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office and compensation of members generally; filling of vacancies; officers; executive committee
- Section 41-8A-6 State supervisory board — Powers and duties of board generally; powers as to law enforcement and criminal justice plans and applications.
- Section 41-8A-7 State supervisory board - Powers and duties of executive committee of board.
- Section 41-8A-8 Regional advisory boards and planning units - Establishment; composition; purpose; membership; officers and staff generally.
- Section 41-8A-9 Regional advisory boards and planning units - Powers and duties; compensation of members.
- Section 41-8A-10 Regional advisory boards and planning units — Budgetary and other financial procedures.
- Section 41-8A-11 Service by same individual on state supervisory board and regional advisory board; representation of more than one element or interest by board member.
- Section 41-8A-12 Submission to Governor of annual budget and request for funds; request for funds by Governor in appropriation bill.
- Section 41-8A-13 Construction of chapter; effect of chapter in event provisions thereof found in conflict with Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.