Section 41-8-43 Method of obtaining materials; distribution.

Section 41-8-43

Method of obtaining materials; distribution.

(a) The state printer or the responsible state agency shall forward at the expense of the agency at least nine copies of every state publication to the clearinghouse. The clearinghouse shall distribute these copies as follows:

(1) Two to the Alabama Department of Archives and History for permanent retention in its historical collection.

(2) Two to the Library of Congress.

(3) Five to the Alabama Public Library Service to be distributed as follows:

a. One for its reference use.

b. Two for its circulation.

c. Two for reproduction by the Alabama Public Library Service for distribution to depositories.

(b) If the clearinghouse determines that a publication cannot be reproduced in a more suitable format for distribution, the state printer or the responsible state agency shall provide additional copies equal to the number of state publications depositories.

(c) When appropriate for distribution, the clearinghouse shall distribute one copy of every state publication to each state publications depository.

(d) The clearinghouse shall not engage in general public distribution of either state publications or lists of publications. This article shall not affect the existing distribution of state publications by state agencies, except that each state agency shall deposit in the clearinghouse the number of copies of each state publication published by it, certified by the clearinghouse.

(Acts 1993, No. 93-257, p. 384, §4.)